I am embarrassed to include this one because it may be the

Headphone splitter. I am embarrassed to include this one because it may be the least tech fancy, most humdrum thing in my kit, but man, when you don’t have a splitter it’s a lonely day in the field. As I mentioned, podcasts are collaborative by nature.

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The science behind this slightly bonkers sounding solution is that a banana skin produces an antiviral substance in its mucilage, the sticky layer inside the peel, which stops it going rotten. The riper the banana, the more potent the antiviral substance becomes and when applied to a verucca it can work to reduce its size and fight injection. Dr O’Neil suggests you change the banana dressing every day..

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He signaled his admiration for Willie Nelson by enlisting Nelson’s longtime harmonica player, Mickey Raphael, to play a few lonesome licks on his album, and pays permanent, visible tribute to Waylon Designer Replica Bags Jennings with a tattoo of the winged “W” logo on his forearm. (Williams’ press bio credits the music of both artists, initially encountered in his grandparents’ record collection, with setting him on his course.) Better Than Myself also betrays the influence of a more recent predecessor: Jamey Johnson. It was nearly a decade ago that Johnson emerged from industry frustrations with That Lonesome Song, smuggling sophisticated ruminations under the cover of a menacing ex con persona.

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But on further thought, I was worried. Actually, wouldn’t it be another of those pitiful “my boy wouldn’t harm a fly” apologias. The cause of truth would not be well served, and the reader would be treated to no more than a pitiable glimpse of an elderly and possibly lied to father incapable of recognising what a shocking thing his son had done.

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Too long! This is way too long for Florida weather. It got to come down. Right?. This should stop the chocolate from retracting as it cools. Place in the fridge to set. Once set, break into sheets that are 10cm x 5 6 cm.

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