“It was extremely exciting and I was extremely nervous

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Hermes Birkin Replica Days after the school shootings in Sandy Hook in December 2012, Assistant Superintendent for Administration Tom Moore told the board “we’re not scrambling” to enact new safety measures and procedures, because the district had always focused on security.Moore and West Hartford Police Chief Tracey Gove still meet every other week to discuss school security and are working hard to implement upgrades, they said Tuesday.Moore said one area of difficulty is trying to find the “sweet spot” between a welcoming school environment and a high security facility.”Some people want them to be as open as possible while others are requesting embassy level security,” Moore said. “I’m not saying what’s right or wrong, they’re just competing interests.”The installation of swipe card entry systems in the schools, which Moore said he would be accelerating after Newtown, was delayed because 30 vendors bid on the project, and there were fire code issues.But installation should be finished by the end of the school year, Moore said.The district is also still testing prototypes for “rapid response” or “panic” buttons, which will eventually be placed somewhere in every school.Gove described a number of training programs that have taken place since he last addressed the board in June, including an “active shooter” workshop involving the fire and police departments, school security staff and other school staff members.The police department has also participated in regional active shooter trainings and runs a regional tactical combat lifesaver course.Officers continue to familiarize themselves with the town’s 16 school buildings and have performed “security audits” of each one, Gove said.”I think that we are as prepared as we can be, as equipped, and, knock on wood, as ready as we could be for an unthinkable situation,” he said.The recent release of the state legislature’s School Safety Infrastructure Council’s draft report means the district has to look at its priorities, but is in good shape, Moore said.”The best thing about these recommendations is, their core recommendations, we have in place,” he said. “We’re way ahead of the curve on this.”The district continues to partner with The Bridge Family Center and HopeWorks, Inc. Hermes Birkin Replica

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